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A stunning new home built on the footprint of a former cowshed

Project Description and Scope

Built on the site of an old working dairy farm and former cow shed, this new five bed dwelling was designed to look agricultural from the main entrance concealing a contemporary interior and rear aspect maximising the spectacular Suffolk views. Initially P11C were appointed for contract administration and cost consultancy only. The scope soon extended to a full pre and construction delivery service after the client realised the benefits our construction and delivery experience could bring.

Understanding the Client’s needs

Clients with a vision but without the technical ability need a team who are able to translate that dream into an affordable and deliverable building. With full client involvement required throughout, it was clear that the Construction Management route was perfect for the client. Always listening to the clients needs, we held weekly telephone conference calls. Underpinning this was a client decision tracker that traced key decision dates in layman terms, allowing the client to make informed decisions in line with our procurement and programme delivery.

Selecting the Supply Chain

The client was driven by best value. Using our extensive supply chain we selected local companies who were affordable whilst delivering the high quality workmanship the project demanded. All packages were market tested with between two and three local companies, another key requirement by the client. Selected sub-contractors brought further added value by proposing alternative equal quality materials or construction methods that attracted cost savings, all of which were passed back directly to the client’s budget.

Managing the Client’s Budget

The initial design intent was in excess of the clients target cost so the project required some delicate value engineering exploration without moving away from the overall intent.  This was acheived by a combination of reducing the footprint by 10%, cost effective construction techniques and use of alternative materials. The clients ultimate aim was to remain off grid so the project included 24 panel PV array, ground source heat pumps and a mechanical ventilation heat recovery system, all of which was delivered within the target cost.

Contract Value: £1,300,000
Form of Contract: JCT Construction Management
Appointment: 2017
Duration: 40 weeks
Client: Name Witheld