First tri-brand dealership built in the UK for John Grose
Overview and Scope
The first new build showroom in the UK bringing together the three brands, Citroen, DS and Peugeot, under one roof. P11C were appointed by the client September 2017, we began detailed design October, commenced enabling works November and contract works started early December. Steel was erected the first week of January. After managing the client fit out, the showroom opened to the public in July 2018 on programme.

Working with the client
A key client driver was the opening date. To achieve this, we developed planning drawings to full and detailed construction drawings, whilst running the design in parallel with key early procurement packages. This enabled us to commence on site early whilst still coordinating elements of the design, yet ensuring a coordinated and buildable approach, reducing on site changes and hence costs. Key client decisions were managed in line with procurement requirements, including numerous client and brand changes with nil impact on the completion date.
Selecting the Supply Chain
Key to delivering a fast track scheme was selecting key supply chain partners that could deliver to time, quality and to budget. All trade packages were market tested to at least three selected sub-contractors demonstrating best value. Bringing these into the design team aided detailed design development, mitigating potential costly variations by designing clashes out at source. The supply of design information and approach on site, meant subcontractors wanted to work in a proactive manor, which was praised by all at the end of the project.

Our pre-construction appointment allowed us to positively manage the design, cost plan and minimised value engineering compromises. This resulted in driving value into the design at source throughout all stages of the project and the project delivered exceptional value for money without compromise on quality.
Contract Value: £1,800,000
Form of Contract: JCT Construction Management
Appointment: 2017
Duration: 27 weeks
Client: John Grose